
Establish a Foodborne Outbreak Team

Just starting out? Follow Steps 1-5 to identify your team and get started.

Establish a Foodborne Outbreak Team

If you don’t know where to start, use the Identifying Team Members exercise
For new team members: For all team members:
  • TN Foodborne Outbreak Investigation Online Courses
  • Team members complete courses independently and meet periodically for team building activities (see #3), on an agreed-upon schedule
  • Plan for 6 months to a year to complete all courses and in-person activities
For all team members: Brief Complimentary Team Activities to be completed between TN online courses
Use Response Plan Template and results of complimentary in-person team activities
Complete Outbreak Team Certification Request Form and submit to TN CoE
  • Provide names and contact information for all trained individuals
  • Certify that the jurisdiction has an outbreak response plan and plans for review
Upon confirmation of all team members’ satisfactory completion of the online courses, TN CoE will send the health jurisdiction a team training certificate